12° Pré-Certificação e Certificação de Técnicos de Campo e Laboratório para Ultrassonografia de Carcaça Bovina

12th Pre-Certification and Certification of Field and Laboratory Technicians for Beef Carcass Ultrasound

Target Audience →

Students and agricultural professionals who work with animal growth and evaluation and genetic improvement.

Training →

The training is mainly aimed at field technicians without experience in collecting ultrasound images, so that they can have contact with the technology. In this modality, it is not necessary to have ultrasound equipment and software, they will be provided during the training.

Field Certification →

Field certification aims to train technicians to collect carcass ultrasound images. Technicians are evaluated according to the Ultrasound Guidelines Council (UGC) image collection standard. To participate in this modality, the technician must have ultrasound equipment (main unit, probe and acoustic guide) and image collection software, accredited by the UGC (list below). All equipment and software must be certified by UGC (the approved ones are listed below):

Laboratory Certification →

The certification of laboratory technicians aims to train technicians to evaluate and interpret ultrasound images.

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